Kilimanjaro School of Pharmacy’s quiet and secluded campus welcome residential students. The campuses offer an excellent environment for residential students which, combined with a high level of care from residential patron, helps to ensure that all have the maximum opportunity to achieve success and develop as leaders and qualified pharmaceutical personnel for the future. A Wi-Fi connection to the collage network is available in the collage Library and all students have free internet access. We aim to make residential students feel at home in their residential hostels on campus.
Our campus has two hostels one for girls student and other for boys students
Girls Hostel

Boys Hostel

These two hostels can accommodate up to 156 students. Girls hostel has 24 rooms which has ability to accommodate 102 students while boys hostel has 13 rooms which has ability to accommodate 54 students . Hostels has showers,toilets, a study area,hot water and there is security.
After you have been selected and confirmed to join Kilimanjaro school of Pharmacy and you need to stay in our hostel please contact patron use below phone number provided.
Student will be required to pay full amount of Tsh 500,000 per year as a hostel fee.
The mode of payment is shown in our online platform provided in which student who have confirm to stay in our campus is required to select and generate control number for the accommodation payment.
Further details and Hostel booking contact our patron Mr.Yustice Thomas Danga